
Neil Oliver's intellectual dishonesty

  A friend (who happens to be a Buddhist, hence the admittedly weak link to the themes of this blog) sent me a link to #neiloliver talking about conspiracy theories, where he asks, "How many so-called conspiracy theories must be proven true before that label is finally abandoned?" Shocked by the mendacity, I started thinking about all the conspiracy and other crackpot theories. I suppose "conspiracy theories" are a subset of crackpot theories, specifically those holding that there is a conspiracy by big oil, a cabal of jews, a bunch of interplanetary baby-blood-drinking lizards, or some other imaginary bunch keeping "the truth" from being revealed. So I was planning to write something about this, and started to look into all the past conspiracy theories that have been revealed to be, in reality, as stupid as they looked in the first place. However, I became overwhelmed and even a bit depressed, and couldn't bring myself to wade through that intellectu

Here I am now

This page, which might one day be the start of a blog, belongs to Alex Wilding. Were you looking for him? Well - here I am!  After some 26 years translating as a freelancer from German to English, I retired in late May, 2022. All my other web presence, some for work and some more blog-like, has now been dismantled. If I want to write again, it will be here. That means that old email addresses have been closed. Most no longer exist, including any at, and wilding-translation. com. A gmail address ( still exists, but is unusable and inaccessible. I do have a new gmail address, but let's keep this simple... So whether you were looking for me as just me, as a translator, as a flute-player or as a Buddhist, and if you want to get in touch, mail me at the following address, which is supposed to be "free for life":  I'm also on facebook, but if you know me I should be easy to find there. I've