About AW

Baby-boomer from Birmingham. Truly great education (thanks Mom, thanks Dad), though by the time I got to university I'd become disillusioned with the idea of working hard to become feedstock for industrial middle management. So although I'd claim to have redeemed myself later (MPhil from Leicester and Engineering Council exams), I have to admit that I "could have done better" at Oxford. 

At various times I worked as an engineer, schoolteacher, FE lecturer, engineer again then freelance translator, a career that took me from the Midlands of England to Germany, Wales, Ireland, Australia and Italy, where I now live.

A lot of people are justifiably iffy about having personal information made public on the net, so don't be looking for anything of that sort here.

I've had decades and decades of interest in amateur music ("folk" as it was known, acoustic blues guitar, Irish-style flute) and in Buddhism. Anything I might write about the latter is most likely to turn up in a separate blog. at https://lunidharma.blogspot.com/, although at the time of writing that is more of an embryo than a foetus. 


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